Relevance of our findings to COVID-19 responses

In the final stages of the Individual Deprivation Measure Program, COVID-19 threatened the lives and well-being of people around the world.

Our analysis of our data on individual level multidimensional poverty in Indonesia and South Africa demonstrated both the vulnerabilities to COVID-19 of people already living in poverty and the ways in which COVID-19 is likely to deepen multidimensional poverty. This work resulted in a series of briefing papers, which can be found on our Resources page.

Indonesia COVID-19 Briefing Papers

South Africa COVID-19 Briefing Papers



Podcast series: "Making the invisible, visible"

The "Making the invisible, visible" podcast series is presented by Policy Forum and hosted by Aarti Betigeri, with the ANU research team that worked on the Individual Deprivation Measure Program (now IMMP). Each episode delves into a specific area of poverty research to help policymakers better understand and respond to poverty. Listen through the embedded links on the podcast page, or wherever you get your podcasts: just search "Policy Forum Pod"!

Listen to the podcast series



Podcast series: The Wellbeing Economy

The Wellbeing Economy podcast mini-series is presented by Policy Forum at the ANU. It features experts from diverse fields coming together to discuss opportunities for reimagining the future and enhancing the wellbeing of Australians. Listen through the embedded links on the linked page, or wherever you get your podcasts: just search "Policy Forum Pod"!

Listen to the podcast series


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