Rethinking Work

Podcast mini-series

Understanding the role of work in our lives, the impact it has, and the inequities it often perpetuates may provide some of the solutions to the major challenges facing society – from environmental destruction to the undervaluing of care. In this new Policy Forum Pod mini-series Professor Sharon Bessell and Dr Arnagretta Hunter explore work from a range of angles and seek solutions to these issues with an amazing line-up of guests.

Work with James Suzman
On the first episode in the series, Dr James Suzman, anthropologist and author of Work: A history of how we spend our time, joins us to discuss how contemporary society’s understanding of economics is changing the way we work, live, and relate to our natural environment.

What we value with Marilyn Waring
On the second instalment, principal founder of the field of feminist economics Marilyn Waring joins us to talk about what society values and why.

Ensuring decent work and social protection for all
On the third episode, Shahra Razavi from the International Labour Organization joins us to discuss the importance of universal social protection and how policymakers can do more to ensure people have access to decent work.

The value of the commons with Guy Standing
On this episode, author and researcher Guy Standing joins Sharon Bessell and Arnagretta Hunter to discuss changing class structures and the universal basic income.

Protecting Australians at work with Michele O’Neil
On the penultimate episode, we speak to President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions Michele O’Neil about workers’ rights and how to build a fairer, more equitable world of work.

Time for work to change
In the final episode, Lyndall Strazdins and John Falzon join us to discuss time inequity and how to reimagine the world of work to create a happier and more sustainable society.

Originally published on Policy Forum:

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